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Hello, my name is Hannah. I live in South London with my husband Will, my young daughter Penny, and our miniature dachshund Mabel.

In 2018 I was searching for a gift for my Goddaughter’s christening - I wanted to give her something that was meaningful to me and that she would go on to cherish. Will and I thought we could get her a special book - a valuable classic or antique that she could own forever. (The exciting thing about books is that good ones should hold their value and great ones will become more valuable!)

Unfortunately, finding a special book was not as easy as we thought it would be. We had to do a lot of research to really understand what we were getting. And so, the idea of The Gift Book Company is to provide others with an easy-to-use service that sources these wonderful objects, packages them beautifully, and sends them on to be kept or given as a gift.

A good book takes you away from the digital and fast-paced world that we live in. Even if you don’t read it, there can be something deeply emotive about the way they look, the way they feel and the way they...smell! We all have those nostalgic tales that bring back memories from when we were young (for me it's Five Minutes Peace by Jill Murphy!). This is the opportunity to share those moments with the people you care about, of any age! Whether it's a battered old copy of your favourite story, a copy that's been signed by the author or illustrator, or a much sought after first edition, these items are the perfect gift for you or a special recipient.

Now, as a family we're trying to be more eco-friendly and naturally, The Gift Book Company is following suit and aims to be as low-waste as possible. As well as re-homing a lot of these lovely books, we use as many recyclable and natural products in our packaging as possible. (A small request - please re-use or recycle your packaging from us!)

In case you’re wondering what book we bought my Goddaughter, it was a First edition Illustrated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling, Signed by the Illustrator; my favourite books, so you may see quite a few of these on the site!

Thanks for reading and happy Gift Book shopping!

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